Senior State Advocate REF NO: Recruit 2025/32 needed at National Prosecuting Authority


Job title : Senior State Advocate REF NO: Recruit 2025/32

Job Location : KwaZulu-Natal, Durban

Deadline : March 24, 2025

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  • An LLB. For serving prosecutors seeking promotion any appropriate legal qualification. Right of appearance as contemplated in section 25(2) of the NPA Act, 32 of 1998.
  • At least five (5) years’ post qualification legal experience. Demonstrable competency in acting Independently, Professionally, Accountable and with Credibility. Well-developed skills in legal research and legal drafting.
  • Good knowledge of civil and/or criminal procedure. Proficiency in prosecution, competency in guiding investigations, drafting charge sheets, indictments and court documents and dealing with representations.
  • Knowledge of and skills in general prosecution. Good interpersonal, analytical, organisational and communication skills. Ability to act independently or with minimum supervision. A valid driver’s licence. 


  • Study case dockets. Decide on the institution of and conduct criminal proceedings. Draft charge sheets, indictments and other court documents. Represent the State in all courts.
  • Prepare a case for court, including the acquisition of additional evidence, lead and cross examine witnesses, address the court on inter alia, conviction and sentence.
  • Study appeals and reviews, attend to representations, prepare opinions and heads of arguments. Conduct prosecution of serious, complex and organised commercial crime and corruption matters.
  • Appear in court in motion applications pertaining to criminal matters and in general conduct prosecution on behalf of the state.
  • Perform all duties related thereto in accordance with the code of conduct policy and directives of the NPA. 

How to Apply for this Offer

Interested and Qualified candidates should Click here to Apply Now

  • Law / Legal  jobs