General Manager, Commercial Services – Ngqura – HO, needed at Transnet


Job title : General Manager, Commercial Services – Ngqura – HO,

Job Location : Eastern Cape,

Deadline : April 12, 2025

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Position Purpose

  • Provide strategic guidance and leadership on the business development strategy aligned to Transnet’s overall business segment strategy and vision, including the port authority strategy on the property portfolio to ensure that there is regulatory compliance to the provisions of the Ports Act insofar as all port land and back of port transactions, within port limits, are concerned, including all regulatory reports.
  • To manage the real estate portfolio ensuring optimum asset management, including the management of leases, debt collection, implementation and maintenance of facilities management policies and procedures to provide real estate services in the various regions/ports.
  • To lead TNPA’s market positioning and customer relationship management/key account management to achieve business growth/development targets through identification of new business opportunities, negotiating and closing all concession agreements and lease agreements, including the management of all existing leases throughout the port system.
  • Collation and publication of TNPA volume, commodity, and other trade statistics as well as to ensure the publication of all TNPA statistics.
  • To develop a TNPA marketing strategy inclusive of the spectrum of TNPA’s functions and services aligned with the provisions of the Ports Act, in alignment with the business development strategy and to grow TNPA’s market share through its regulatory obligations, but also to expand TNPA’s business to pursue business opportunities and partnerships, including potential private sector partnership opportunities.
  • To develop and implement the national ship repair and dry dock strategy and operating model to ensure a viable business model and the effective utilisation of existing port infrastructure across the ports.
  • To lead TNPA in all aspects of Section 56 governance, including Terminal Operator Agreements oversight, concession and lease management manuals and any other regulatory guidelines, i.e. standardisation of documentation and processes to ensure that TNPA at all times adhere to the processes that are fairs, transparent and competitive, to ensure the effective execution of the functions of the Ports Act.

Position Outputs


  • Develop business development, lease, marketing/customer and ship repair strategy;
  • Rationalisation of business development and real estate to ensure regulatory compliance and effective asset management of all land and properties within port limits;
  • Lead research and communicate competitive intelligence across all portfolio services.


  • Lead proposal development, bid and evaluation process and commercial negotiations regarding section 56 agreements and lease agreements and/or appoint/mandate cross functional regional/port teams.
  • Ensure compliance to internal policies, procedures, PFMA, applicable legislation.
  • Develop and implement risk mitigation actions and initiatives to ensure the effective execution of portfolio roles.
  • Develop contract/concession agreements/principles, including review of compensation/financial/pricing models for concession and lease agreements.
  • Lead the development of innovative business development solutions/opportunities across the logistics chain, based on market insights, industry and competitor analysis.
  • Develop and implement the oversight framework to effectively monitor and manage compliance to Terminal Operator Agreement terms and conditions.


  • Compile a comprehensive budget (operational and revenue) indicating the financial requirements for each portfolio functional area in accordance with the portfolio deliverables.
  • Ensure financial sustainability through appropriate operating expenditure and investment planning in relation to business development opportunities and forecasted revenue and volumes to deliver on TNPA and Transnet’s Strategy.
  • Report to the TNPA Executive Committee monthly on financial performance of the portfolio.
  • Oversight of real estate debtors and assisting regions/ports with debt collection.


  • Build key corporate stakeholder and customer relationships across all TNPA roles and functions and implement a comprehensive stakeholder engagement programme, to have focused engagements on key priorities.
  • Identify and manage strategic partnerships and identify industry trends to identify partners to collaborate with on business development opportunities.
  • Market and competitor analysis, participation in trade events, conferences, customer/stakeholder forums and lead inputs to develop new business development offerings, aligned with port planning and land optimisation strategy.
  • Engage the Ports Regulator on all portfolio related matters and reporting requirements.
  • Inputs into pricing strategies to contribute to lowering the cost of doing business.


  • Regulatory compliance and reporting to discharge and comply with all the provisions of the Ports Act and other relevant legislation, inclusive of all statutory and annual governance and audit reports.
  • Develop internal controls to prevent fraud and detect corruption, especially within the real estate/debtor environment.
  • Review of the concessions procedure manual, lease management.
  • Review all portfolio procedures and policies to ensure the efficient and effective execution of the portfolio’s functions.
  • Create sound Marketing intelligence systems driven by MIS, Data analytics and Statistical principles.


  • Lead, coach, mentor and develop the portfolio Team to deliver high levels of performance whilst expanding the skills base.
  • Individual development programmes and talent management for portfolio employees.


  • Provide support in terms of lease/ concession negotiations, contract negotiations, settlements and affordability.
  • Ensure sound stakeholder relationship management with key relevant role players in accordance with business requirements and dependencies.

Qualifications and Experience

  • B Degree in Commerce or Business Management , Minimum 12 years working experience in ports environment or related Industry, of which 8 years in a Senior Management role OR 12 years relevant demonstratable experience in ports or related industry , of which 8 years is at a Senior Management level in a large organisation with a complex operations environment;
  • Post graduate qualification will be an added advantage;
  • Knowledge and experience of the following will be an advantage;
  • Relevant legislation and regulations;
  • Concessions and negotiation skills/experience;
  • Corporate Governance;
  • Oceans economy/ship repair industry/business;
  • Strategy development and implementation; and
  • Marketing, Business Development and Property Management.


  • Driver’s license code 8
  • Travel as required by the business
  • Working extended hours as needed
  • Computer literacy and command of Microsoft Word package
  • Requirement of trust and honesty in the handling of finances as per the National Credit Act Amendment 19

How to Apply for this Offer

Interested and Qualified candidates should Click here to Apply Now

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