SERR Synergy

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About Company

SERR Synergy provides local and international businesses, both big and small, and across a broad spectrum of industries, with the tools and skills to meet South Africa’s legislative requirements.
Our professional and qualified employees enable you to focus on your core business by assisting you to make sense of the country’s stringent laws, and ensure that your business policies and practices are aligned accordingly.
Established in 2014, SERR Synergy operates throughout South Africa and focuses on compliance with the broad-based black economic empowerment (B-BBEE) Codes of Good Practice; the new Companies Act, including the Consumer Protection Act, the National Credit Act, the Protection of Personal Information Act and the Electronic Communications Act; skills development and employment equity; and labour relations issues pertaining to both business and domestic employees.
Our overall aim is to assist you in developing your business to operate both legally and sustainably, and so take advantage of South Africa’s unique economic landscape.
Why face fines or risk losing business? Contact SERR Synergy [email protected] and see how we can fully manage and coordinate all activities relating to risk to the benefit of your business.
SERR Synergy offers a holistic solution that swiftly guides businesses through South Africa’s business legislation maze in the direction of greatness.
We take the “synergy” in our name seriously and pride ourselves on being authorities in our field of business, collaborating with businesses to ensure services that coordinated, affordable, simple to understand and flexible.
Our services speak to customers who seek to minimise the risk associated with South Africa’s business legislation, in order to grow their business, and to take advantage and be part of the country’s vast business opportunities.
SERR Synergy’s unique approach is founded on the principle that we not only ensure legislation compliance for enterprises, but also appoint specialist project managers to fully understand enterprises’ requirements, in order to synchronise all activities and services relating to risk aversion.
As such, we utilise the latest project management software, unique tools to assist businesses achieve all elements of legislation, monitor processes on a daily basis, and also provide business owners with a progress report on a regular basis.
SERR Synergy also has a specific interest in bridging the gap between what clients want and what business legislation requires. One of our strengths is that we follow certain processes to understand how a client’s business works and how everything integrates.
We therefore take the time to understand the relationship businesses have with their clients. The starting point is always to understand the challenges facing the client. This helps us to understand your business processes and propose the most cost-effective and practical way forward that will benefit you.
Importantly, at SERR Synergy, we do not tick boxes, but encourage across-the-board innovation.

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