Lecturer: Curriculum Studies and Agricultural Sciences Education needed at University of the Free State
Job title : Lecturer: Curriculum Studies and Agricultural Sciences Education
Job Location : Free State,
Deadline : March 14, 2025
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Duties and responsibilities:
- Teach undergraduate and postgraduate modules in Curriculum Studies and Agricultural Sciences Education.
- Participate in the Work Integrated Learning programme of the faculty (Teaching Practice) and other engaged scholarship activities.
- Ensure active involvement in research activities of faculty and publish articles in accreditation journals.
- Contribute to curriculum development in the field of Curriculum Studies and Agricultural Sciences Education specifically.
- Synthesize knowledge through the publication of scientific papers in peer reviewed journals.
- Communicate research findings at scientific conferences.
- Source funding for research from international and national funding organisations.
- Participate actively in the professional community.
- Supervise postgraduate students at master’s and PhD levels.
- Participate actively in leadership and administration on Departmental and Faculty level.
Key Inherent requirements:
- A PhD in Education on NQF Level 10, with a focus on the teaching and learning of Agricultural Sciences in schools (for a permanent appointment)
- Master’s degree in education on NQF Level 9, with a focus on the teaching and learning of Agricultural Sciences in schools (contract appointment: five years during which a PhD on NQF Level 10 in Education focusing on the teaching and learning of Agricultural Sciences in schools MUST be obtained to be converted to a permanent position).
- Candidates must submit proof of registration for a doctoral degree in Education with the Teaching and learning of Agricultural Sciences in schools as the focus of specialisation (attach).
- Candidates should submit an abstract of their thesis (or dissertation) to indicate relevance to the teaching and learning of Agricultural Sciences in schools (attach).
- A formal teaching qualification with Agricultural Sciences as one of the majors (e.g. Diploma in Education or Bachelor of Education degree or equivalent) (attach).
- A minimum of five (5) years relevant working experience in a school environment or at least two (2) years in a higher education or research and development environment.
- Proven experience in the delivery of poster or oral presentations at conferences or equivalent activities (attach evidence).
- Provide evidence of manuscript(s) produced that have the potential to be converted or submitted for publication in accredited journals (attach evidence).
- A good academic record (attach).
- A proven research record of relevant publications in national or international Q1-Q4 accredited journals.
- Experience in postgraduate supervision.
How to Apply for this Offer
Interested and Qualified candidates should Click here to Apply Now
- Agriculture / Agro-Allied jobs