Senior Results and Assessment Co-ordinator – Midrand needed at IIE MSA and IIE Varsity College
Job title : Senior Results and Assessment Co-ordinator – Midrand
Job Location : Gauteng, Johannesburg
Deadline : February 15, 2025
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Duties and Responsibilities :
SIS System Set-up and Semester Planning
- Responsible for mapping the students to their respective assessment events per module, per intake year and per assessment event. Liaising with the Admission Officers to ensure that students that have cancelled or where pre-requisites have not been met, are unmapped from the assessment events or where modules have been added for students, that the students are mapped accordingly.
- Responsible for using the National Assessment Schedule to create a Results Tracker for each semester which includes the tracking of ICE submissions and the tracking of the detainment job. Ensure that the Results tracker is updated with any changes to assessment due dates throughout the semester.
- Responsible for running the detainment job per module and per intake year on SIS once all the cumulative formative results have been captured.
Management of Results Capture Sheets
- Responsible for creating manual Result Capture Sheets for Replacement Tests, Exams Sitting 2, Exam Sitting 3 and Discontinuation exams which involves checking the Grade Roster report on SIS for supplementary exam entry. Assessment Officers are responsible for the checking of student applications/approved concessions on the Student Hub, thereafter the RA is informed to send these for marking.
- Tracking the NQP registered students and ensuring that a separate Result Capture Sheet is generated for these students.
- Always ensure that the Result Capture Sheets (RCS) are updated should results change due to lecturers amending marks, the plagiarism policy and remarks etc. RCS need to be signed and dated as per the Assessment Strategy and Policy. Ensure that the RCS are saved electronically and filed accordingly and are readily available for audit purposes.
Results Management (Formative)
- Checking that the results indicated on the assessment scripts or the Grade Centre on Learn match that of what has been captured on the SIS by the lecturers. Capturing and publishing of all results on SIS as per the Assessment Strategy and Policy and ensuring that results are processed as per the SIS HTGs issued.
- Responsible for updating and managing the Results Tracker throughout the semester, to ensure the markings deadlines are adhered to and managed according to the timelines. Liaising with lecturers on due dates, outstanding results, marking extensions and any mark/marking errors picked up. Escalation of late marking to the Programme Manager, Deputy Head Ops/Head Ops/Head Academics. Identifying and flagging at risk lecturers prior to the marking cycles and informing the Programme Managers of any issues experienced.
- Manage the capture and release of any additional formative sittings (replacement sitting) marks under manage marks moderation.
- Liaising with the Admissions and Finance team on students that are not registered and where results therefore cannot be processed on SIS.
- Responding to Customer Relations Officers (CRO’s) timeously on student result queries and ensuring that the CROs are updated on progress and resolution of these queries.
- Liaising with lecturer to collect their marked formative scripts to return and provide feedback to the students. Ensure that lecturer have made the marked online formative assessments available to view on Learn.
- Responsible for checking that the ICE results captured by the lecturers on the SIS have been captured correctly by the lecturer.
- Responsible for checking that all formative assessments, including ICE have been processed & published on SIS prior to running the detainment job. Work systematically with the CASS tracker to ensure that all results for CASS modules are released timeously.
- Responsible for capturing and updating the Academic team’s plagiarism tracker (if applicable) and in turn are responsible for updating the results both on SIS and the RCS. Should a student’s CASS mark change post the CASS release deadline, the RA is responsible for informing the respective Assessment Officers to ensure the student is issued a permission slip.
- Checking assessment concessions on the Student Hub in collaboration with the Assessment Centre and liaising with the Student Hub on any concessions that have not been actioned. Understanding the assessment Strategy and policy and capturing results accordingly and correctly.
Internal Moderation
- Supports the campus Academic department in accessing scripts required for the internal moderation and decentralised marking process, as well as for the marking centre.
- Oversees the selecting and scanning of scripts for moderation and completing the activity logs pertaining to the steps involved in results processing, moderation and storage of an assessment.
- Liaises with the relevant Programme Manager responsible for deciding which scripts are moderated, and once confirmed, prepares all documents required for the moderation process to take place.
- Updates the Internal Moderation Tracking Grid accurately and timeously.
Results Management(Summative)
- Checking that the results indicated on the summative assessment scripts or the Grade Centre on Learn match that of what has been captured on SIS by the lecturers. Capturing and publishing of all summative results on SIS as per the assessment strategy and policy and ensuring that results are processed as per the SIS HTGs issued.
- Responsible for updating and managing the Results Tracker to ensure that summative assessment release dates are met and that students receive their overall final results timeously. Liaising with lecturers on due dates and ensuring that moderation deadlines are met. Escalation of late marking to the Programme Manager, Deputy Head Ops/Head Ops/Head Academics. Identifying and flagging at risk lecturers prior to the marking cycle and informing the Programme Managers of any issues experienced.
- Manage the capture and release of any additional summative sittings (supp/discon/special sitting) marks under manage marks moderation.
- Responding to Customer Relations Officers (CROs) timeously on student result queries and ensuring that the CROs are updated on progress and resolution of these queries.
- Keeping channels of communication open with the Capacity Planning & Scheduling Centre and keeping track of any lecturers that have resigned. Proactively liaise with the Programme Managers to identify replacement markers for any lecturers that resign or require marking assistance.
- Should any additional re-write opportunity be approved by the Central Academic Team, the RA’s need to capture the results correctly on SIS as per the Assessment Strategy and Policy.
- Responsible for managing the processing of endorsements using the Admission trackers and tracking the corresponding SLP results and in turn processing the corresponding endorsements on SIS.
- Responsible for compiling ES2, ES3 and Discontinuation billing list which must be submitted to the Finance Department at the end of each Semester by use of a finance/ops tracker.
- Responsible for the generation and publishing of all Report Cards and Academic Transcripts, this includes the re-generation of report cards and transcripts post mark changes.
- Verifies scripts received against the marks captured on the mark sheet for the Online Centre and submits the mark sheet to the Online Centre for processing on the academic system thereafter.
- Flag any system related issues that impact the processing of results that in turn will negatively impact on the students’ experience and find alternative solutions to mitigate the impact. Works closely with the regional BAC in troubleshooting and resolving any system related issues that impact the processing of results.
Moderation (External and Internal)
- Supports the Programme Manager or Teaching and Learning Manager on campus in accessing scripts required for the internal moderation and decentralised marking process.
- Responsible for populating the External Moderation Tracking Grid indicating the lecturers that need to be externally moderated. Identifying the lecturers that are shared between campuses and determining which campus will be responsible for uploading the moderation for these shared lecturers. Updates the External Moderation Tracking Grid accurately and timeously.
- Scanning the necessary sample of scripts and uploading them on to the moderation tracking system and assigning this to the relevant Central Academic Team (CAT) member.
- Completes the Moderation Control Sheet (MCS) to be included with every set of External moderation.
- Ensures that the Moderation Control Sheet (MCS) and scripts/ Portfolios of Evidence (POE’s) are attached and assigned to the relevant Central Academic Team (CAT) member. The Head of Programme (HOP) outcome is actioned correctly as per the release instruction on the MCS at campus level and in compliance with the assessment strategy and policy.
Managing of Script Viewing and Remarks
- Identifies and co-ordinates script viewing requests made on The Student Hub report and informs the Academic department to arrange a viewing appointment with the student. Arrange with the Academic staff member to collect and sign for the respective scrip before the script viewing appointment.
- Identifies and co-ordinates re-mark requests made on The Student Hub and checks that payment has been made in respect of the request. Tracks the remark on the Campus Remark Tracker and co-ordinates the remark with an appropriate marker thereafter.
- Follows up on the re-mark process to ensure that it happens within the allotted time.
- Ensures that the correct outcome is applied once the remark has been completed and returned to the Results Centre as per the Assessment Strategy and Policy.
- Flags any marking discrepancies or concerns with the Programme Manager or Head Academic for the campus.
Metro File and Managing of Secure Onsite Storage Facilities
- All uncollected formative assessments must be retained as per the Assessment Strategy and Policy and must be destroyed in line with The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA)
- Responsible for the archiving of summative scripts and Portfolios of Evidence (POE’s) for on and off site storage in line with the Assessment Strategy & Policy. Labelling metro file boxes in a structured and organised manner and completing the Metro file storage box form accordingly. Arrange for Metro file to collect boxes.
- Responsible for completing and updating the Internal Assessment Storage form.
- Responsible for keeping the Secure Online Storage Facility neat, tidy and organised.
Management and Tracking of Assessment Printing
- Manages the assessment process from the point of capturing on the assessment printing tracking system to receiving crates from the assessment printing service provider.
- Ensures that correct orders are placed and fulfilled as per the details in the assessment printing tracking system.
- Ensures that actual student numbers are updated in the assessment printing tracking system once the student numbers have been audited.
- Manages and ensures that the respective assessment tracking and printing timelines are met, and feedback is provided to the National office when required.
- Ensures that the student numbers, venue and Invigilator details have all been captured in the assessment printing tracking system as per the batching timeline to allow for prepacked assessments being delivered in the batches from the assessment printing service provider.
- Ensures that the venue and Invigilator details have been inserted into the distance printing tracking system for the students who are registered with the Online Centre as per the batching timeline to allow for prepacked assessments being delivered in the batches from the assessment printing service provider, and adheres to deadlines given as these determine the last date that inserts or updates can be made.
- Checks the assessment crate contents on arrival from the assessment printing service provider to ensure that all the assessments have been packed and grouped as requested on the assessment printing tracking system.
- Receives batch and lock codes from the assessment printing service provider for opening the crates.
- Ensures that the assessment printing service provider and assessment printing tracking system How-to-Guide has been adhered to.
- Ensures that the crates and locks are returned to the assessment printing service provider timeously after the batch has been checked.
Invigilator Recruitment and Management
- Manages the Invigilator training process and ensures that Invigilators are informed of, and trained on, any changes to the policy.
- Recruits Invigilators for the campus and partners with the Campus HR representative to ensure that all audit requirements are adhered to in the recruitment process.
- Co-ordinates and supervises the Invigilator booking process 5 weeks in advance of assessments in line with the Programme Assessment Schedule (PAS) to ensure that the Invigilator details can be entered in the assessment printing tracking system as per the batching timelines.
- Sends follow up emails to remind Invigilators of bookings.
- Assists with invigilating when required.
- Reconciles the Invigilator reports pre and post assessment, and follows up on any anomalies if and when required.
- Logs assessments in and out with Invigilators.
Pre-assessment Logistics-Initial and Replacement Assessments
- Manages upcoming assessments using the Programme Assessment Schedule (PAS) and the Combined National Assessment Schedule.
- Uploads the Programme Assessment Schedule (PAS) and informs students that it is available.
- Ensures assessments and memos are stored safely at all times in the campus academic safe from when the assessment is received in the crate from the assessment printing service provider to when the assessment is written, and ensures that any excess scripts are destroyed once the assessment has been written.
- Prepares all documentation required for the assessment as per the assessment templates provided (i.e. the Assessment Activity Logs, Invigilator Reports and Seating plans).
- Finalises the student lists, including the Cumulative Assessment (CASS) lists at the point of exams.
- Exports the register from the distance printing tracking system for the students registered with the Online Centre who have selected the campus as their exam centre.
- Prepares all the assessment documentation required for the students registered with the Online Centre.
- Pulls The Student HUB report daily to ensure the preparation of assessments for applications that have been approved.
- Ensures that pre-assessment logistics accommodate concession applications.
- Accesses and checks the special concession grid to ensure all concessions granted are actioned.
- Proactively plans with the campus Academic department to ensure that all approved special concessions can be accommodated.
- Ensures that all concessions have been arranged for special concession students (i.e. additional time, separate venue etc.).
- Liaises with the ICT department regarding any ICT assessment set-up requirements which may be needed for practical assessments.
- Receives preloads (exams or tests) from the relevant Programme Operations Manager (POM) and ensures that these are uploaded and verified by the Senior ICT Support.
- Escorts students with permission slips to their test/exam venue.
- Updates the student noticeboard with assessment venue allocation details.
- Manages all assessments being written on campus.
- Analyses the criteria for all students writing replacement sittings to ensure that they are eligible to write the assessment.
- Ensures that the Assessment Centre carries out all pre assessment logistical requirements for replacement assessments including the daily analysis of The Student HUB report.
- Checks that students are registered with the Online Centre if they arrive at the incorrect exam centre and grants permission for the student to write the assessment.
- Ensures that all assessment documentation is kept up-to-date at all times and is compliant with all assessment and audit policies and processes.
- Ensures that each stage of the Assessment Activity Log is accounted for by way of a signatory.
- Conducts regular audits of assessment documentation.
- Ensures that the number of booklets and instruments that are issued with an assessment align with those as listed in the assessment documentation and that any surplus/shortfall is accounted for.
- Manages and tracks the assessment booklet stock and conducts regular audits of the assessment booklet tracker.
- Reconciles the Invigilator’s report that summarises all the necessary information and removes the report from the pack before the scripts are handed over to the Results Centre for the marking process.
- Notes and investigates any discrepancies on the Invigilator report.
- Uses the allocated supplier bins for the disposal of assessment instruments to safely destroy test papers and memos as per the Assessment Strategy & Policy, and retains only one memo as a master copy for filing.
- Reconciles the scripts at the end of each assessment and hands them over to the Results Centre for the marking process, results capture and moderation process thereafter.
- Ensures that the assessment memo is included in the pack handed over to the Results Centre for the marking process.
- Hands over the student list to the Results Centre for billing purposes post assessment.
- Notifies the National office of all different location Student HUB approvals and manages and tracks the different location approvals.
- Verifies and confirms the different location venue and Invigilator details as per the confirmation letter included in The Student HUB application.
- Receives written acknowledgement from the different location Invigilator that all exam rules will be followed.
- Ensures that the different location Invigilator is informed of the assessment date and time in the respective time zone.
- Prepares and sends all the assessment documentation (i.e. assessment activity log, Invigilator report and register) to the different location Invigilator at least two days before the assessment is due to be written.
- Prints the assessment received via email from the different location and hands it to the Results Centre for the marking process.
Non-exam Condition Assessment Processing
- Sets-up student groups and VG Learn links, and manages the assessment submission deadlines on SafeAssign, MS Teams and Turnitin as per the Programme Assessment Schedules (PAS).
- Collects the assessments from the assessment submission point on campus (Campus Reception/Academic Reception/Information Centre) when required.
- Reconciles assessment submissions and signing sheets, and identifies any assessments not submitted through the online plagiarism detection software and hands these cases over to the Results Centre.
- Manages late assignments in accordance with the Assessment Strategy and Policy.
Exam Condition Assessment Escalations
- Facilitates the resolution of any escalations that may occur during the writing of an exam that relate to the exam paper in particular.
- Escalates queries to the relevant Programme Operations Manager (POM) when assessments are running.
- Communicates any decisions made in response to escalated queries and received from the Central Academic Team (CAT) to all students in the various venues in which the assessment is being conducted.
- Communicates query resolution to the respective different location Invigilators.
- Manage the student permission slips during exam times.
- Responds to and resolves any issues/queries that Invigilators raise during assessments.
Team Support
- Assists with campus specific projects/events (e.g. Graduation, Open Day etc.).
- Collaborates with all departments on campus to facilitate optimal performance within the Results Centre as well as Assessment Centre and to ensure a high-quality student experience.
- Facilitates and coordinates training for any new Results Centre and Assessment Centre staff.
- Arranges/facilitates regular team group sessions with discussions centring on the challenges experienced with existing processes and the proposed improvements needed to address these challenges.
- Provides regular feedback to the Head: Academic Operations / Deputy Head: Academic Operations in terms of the functioning/performance of the Results Centre and Assessment Centre.
- Provides support to the team via performance management and management of leave.
- Ensures compliance to The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) legislation relevant to the Results Centre and Assessment Centre.
- Completes incident reports, otherwise known as the For Action Now (FAN) reports, for any action which results in non-compliance in the Assessment Centre for guidance and approval on the way forward.
- Tracks and reports any trends emerging from the For Action Now (FAN) reports.
- Ensures that the Assessment Centre is secured at all times and that all access in and out of the Centre is monitored and logged.
- Drives assessment policy knowledge within the Assessment Centre in order to ensure that students are advised correctly.
Minimum Education Requirements:
- National Diploma (NQF level 6)
- Advanced Diploma or Degree (NQF level 7) advantageous.
Minimum Work Experience Requirements:
- Minimum of 2 years administrative experience and 2 years leadership/supervisory experience for external candidates.
How to Apply for this Offer
Interested and Qualified candidates should Click here to Apply Now
- Education / Teaching Jobs jobs