Senior State Advocate – Pretoria: Head Office needed at National Prosecuting Authority
Job title : Senior State Advocate – Pretoria: Head Office
Job Location : Gauteng, Pretoria
Deadline : April 17, 2025
Quick Recommended Links
- An LLB. For serving prosecutors seeking promotion any appropriate legal qualification.
- At least eight years post qualification legal experience. Right of appearance as contemplated in section 25(2) of the NPA Act, 32 of 1998.
- Demonstrable competency in acting Independently, Professionally, Accountable and with Credibility.
- An appropriate legal qualification, as prescribed by the minister of DOJ&CD in terms of section 16(3) of the National Prosecution Authority Act no 32 of 1998.
- Manage the portfolios allocated to you by the Special Director. Develop initiatives & interventions to improve the NPA’s management of GBVF at all levels. Ensure National implementation of all GBVF initiatives & interventions. Attend to all Representations related specifically to the GBVF mandate as allocated by the SDPP. Research, develop & review training material & implement training for all prosecutors and external stakeholders on the GBVF mandate.
- Keep abreast with all National & International GBVF legislation, case law (reported & unreported), Protocols, and Research & trends & Develop Legal Opinions, directives, training modules thereto. Ensure dissemination of aforementioned information nationally. Manage, mentor & guide prosecutors, where required, on the GBVF mandate. Render advice on matters relating to GBVF generally. Provide Senior Management with legal opinions on parliamentary reports & enquiries as & when required.
- Participate in the development & amendment of current legislation on GBVF matters as & when required. Design, develop & maintain an accurate data management system relating to the civil & criminal aspects of GBVF matters. Analyse trends based on the statistics & develop interventions to be implemented with the approval of senior management. Develop, review and participate in the drafting of policies, procedures and related legislation in line with the SOCA mandate.
- Design, facilitate & implement ongoing Public Awareness campaigns in respect of GBVF campaigns generally. Promote partner integration, community involvement and customer satisfaction in conjunction with partners in the criminal justice system. Formalise ongoing Stakeholder Cooperation & engagement in respect of GBVF generally. Create & participate in GBVF fora provincially & nationally. Implement Performance Management in terms of the NPA policies.
- Institute and conduct criminal proceedings on behalf of the State, to perform any act incidental thereto and to carry out the duties and functions assigned to the prosecution under any Act and/or the Policy Manual and/or any directives, inter alia, study case dockets, decide on the institution of and conduct criminal proceedings, including proceedings of an advanced or complex nature as & when requested by the SDPP. Study appeals and reviews, prepare opinions and heads of argument and argue GBVF cases as instructed by the SDPP.
- Perform all duties, including administrative and those assigned to by a duly delegated authority, in accordance with the Code of Conduct, policy and directives of the Public Service & the National Prosecuting Authority. Perform other duties and activities as requested by the SDPP in line with SOCA unit’s mandate. Available to travel extensively when required.
How to Apply for this Offer
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- Law / Legal jobs